A disciple is someone who has personally gone through the Path of Discipleship (Is a Disciple) and who personally encourages others on the Path of Discipleship (Makes a Disciple).

There are four stages in the Path of Discipleship:

  1. Get Saved
  2. Get Healed
  3. Get Equipped
  4. Get Going


So, through you, you can “make a disciple of Jesus Christ” by guiding them to…

  1. Get saved
  2. Get healed
  3. Get Equipped
  4. Get Going

A disciple needs to...

  1. Get saved.

At St. Francis Chapel, every public gathering includes an opportunity to get saved – to “believe in the Lord Jesus” and “become a child of God.”

“What must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved —you and your household.” (Acts 16.30-31)

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (Jn 1.12)

All Sunday worship services are in English, except where noted

7 a.m. – Alternating weeks of Holy Communion and Morning Prayer
9 a.m. – Alternating weeks of Holy Communion and Morning Prayer
11 a.m. – Alternating weeks of Holy Communion and Morning Prayer
2 p.m. – Lugbara service
4 p.m. – Youth service

At the beginning of every school year, St. Francis organizes Freshers Week and MakFest (the annual university mission) with many opportunities for students and staff to “get saved” and step into the Path of Discipleship.

Baptism is offered every third Sunday of the month, and confirmation is held once a year during the Bishop’s pastoral visit.

Children’s Church is offered at the 9 am, 11 a.m. and 1 pm worship services.

  1. Get healed.

The physical overnight prayer service happens  once a month on the first Friday of each month. This is an extended time of prayer, praise, and teaching – ideal for God’s healing to work in the life of a disciple.

Virtual nights of prayer happen every other Friday from 9PM to Midnight. These are conducted on Zoom

The annual men’s and women’s Encounter Retreats, are dedicated weekends to get breakthroughs on the things that have been holding you back from stepping out fully in Great Commission ministry.

Counseling is also available by appointment.

  1. Get Equipped.

Learn the basic tools of the “discipleship trade.”

“Morning Glory” daily devotional prayer – Monday through Friday, 7 – 8 a.m. in the Chapel

Small Bible study groups every Tuesday in halls of residences, hostels, and homes of Chapel members. These small groups are “cell groups.” We are a cell-based church, meaning we are small enough to care and big enough to celebrate.

There are many fellowships where healing and equipping take place – Youth and Students’ Ministry, Family and Marrieds’ Ministry, and Senior Citizens Fellowship.

The Alpha Course is offered every semester and teaches the basics of the Christian faith and the life of discipleship.

Confirmation classes are offered once a year and are focused on ensuring our youth are saved and discipled.

  1. Get Equipped.

At the end of every semester, students go out in mission to their home districts and communities to share the message of the Gospel.

University graduates who go abroad for further studies go as “missionaries” disguised as students.

Through St. Francis Chapel’s partnership with Christ Church in Kansas, we send teams to the Diocese of Northern Uganda for mission and are especially engaged in supporting them in establishing a dynamic chaplaincy at Gulu University.

How You Can Be a Part

Step into the Path of Discipleship by

  • Participating in any of the public worship services – Sundays, weekly Morning Glory, Friday Overnights, etc. Sunday services are also livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube for “virtual” participation.
  • Contacting the Chapel office to locate the closest cell group, Bible study group, or fellowship, or for Baptism and confirmation classes, pre-marriage preparation, or other opportunities to serve with your gifts and talents.