
A disciple is someone who has personally gone through the Path of Discipleship and who personally encourages others on the Path of Discipleship.

St. Francis which was built in 1942, is a centre of Christian Spiritual growth and transformation located at the heart of Makerere University, Kampala. The first service at the chapel took place on 6 December 1942.

Since then the chapel has catered to the spiritual needs of progressively increasing numbers of students and members of staff of the University,

as well as individuals from the surrounding communities who worship in it. As a result in 1963, the chapel was expanded to cater for the 450 worshipers at the time.

By the year 2000, there were already 5 established services every Sunday, with some services requiring the use of provisional seats outside the Chapel.


We would love to meet you.

Our church is a place where a person with no church background can come and feel comfortable and enjoy the service because the atmosphere will be friendly. The sermons are always practical, biblical and relevant. The music is contemporary and upbeat with a praise team and full band.

A church that is fun for the entire family, a church where kids want to go because they have a great time experiencing God’s love. A church that builds families.

These dreams are being fulfilled because they are inspired by God!

A a church that helps every member find their ministry and lets them use their gifts and abilities to meet other’s needs. We believe the church is at her best when the doors are open to all of who have an interest in learning about the Christian faith. Wherever you are on your journey, regardless of where you fall on the deep questions of faith, our community is open to you.

With a passion and zeal for the lost and hurting world, our church is looking for ways to build bridges to a cynical and jaded society. We aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along the journey. We stress cultural relevancy and utilize all medias and means to communicate the the church message.